
Talks about body image, wellness tips and tricks, goal setting, self-care, my journey and other life bits

  • Life

    2021 Reflections

    In 2021, I felt less direction, less focus, my boundaries have become non-existent, my self-care took a back seat, and I let stress consume me and let little things ruin my entire day. I took out my frustration on my husband and I spoke badly about myself and my body. I broke promises to myself over and over and have developed a lack of trust in myself and my capabilities. It was a hard year in my personal life. It’s heartbreaking to watch one of the people you love the most in the whole world self-destruct. Watch their depression, anxiety, and addiction take the driver’s seat and watch them hit…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for October

    It’s SPOOKY Season! It’s the beginning of my favorite time of the year! It’s the time of year when I feel the most inspired and I have so many fun things planned for the blog this month. I am looking forward to cooler weather, beautiful foliage, Jake’s birthday, and Halloween! 1. Wake up one hour earlier on weekdays I used to get up between 5 and 5:30 am and in the last few years, that time has crept up and sometimes I get up with just enough time to shower and leave for work. I long for slower mornings and I think waking up an hour earlier than I do…

  • Books,  Life

    Four Reads that are Great for Your End of Summer Vacation

    I love a good beach read. There is just something so fun and easy about them and I always feel transported which is what we all want in a good read! I always root for the main character and feel overcome with emotion when things finally work out for them with their love interest! Here are four reads that I highly recommend for your end of Summer vacation! The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews I love the way Mary Kay Andrews can tell a love story! This is a new release for her and it did not disappoint. She always writes a strong female leading character and her settings take…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for August

    I’ve done a few of these types of posts this year and for the most part, I have achieved what I set out to do in those posts. The reason I like setting goals for each month is that the time period is short and the goals I set can be part of the stepping stones towards achieving a bigger goal I have. This month I am focusing on self-care habits and creating a routine that works for me. I am feeling in a funk right now and am trying to shake it off. I am hoping the goals below will help me with that. 1. Workout 3 times per…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for April

    Hi there! I took another hiatus for personal reasons at the end of February and all of March but I am back for April with fresh new content and a new posting schedule! My new schedule will be every Monday and Friday and I hope, an increase in some Insta-content in between! Back in February, I set myself three attainable goals for the month. They were simple and I was able to achieve them by making small changes to my routine and I would consider the month a success! I enjoyed myself so much I decided to set 3 more goals for April! 1. JOURNAL AT LEAST 4 TIMES PER…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for February

    January always seems NEVERENDING. When February finally comes around, I feel like a whole year has passed already. That is a little dramatic, but it always feels like the longest month of the year and I just felt like setting some attainable goals for February would be just what I need to jump start the rest of this year! I decided not to set resolutions this year, but I like the idea of a few monthly goals to focus on. At this point in time, having some small goals to focus on will be helpful! 1. Pack lunch for work everyday Admittedly, I have been not the greatest at packing…

  • Life,  Personal Development

    How I Am Going To Show Up For Myself This Year

    Last year around this time I wrote about why you don’t need a new you. It is still so relevant to my life, choosing to accept myself as I am is a decision that I need to make every single day and there are still a lot of days that my anxiety and inner negative nelly win. This year I wanted to share how I am planning on showing up for and prioritizing myself. By practicing these things I hope that my confidence will grow, that my inner demons will be silenced, and most of all that the decision to choose myself becomes easier and that those days become greater…

  • Books,  Life

    Winter Reading List & What I Read in 2020

    Last year I really got back into reading and devoured several books on audible as well as from my own library. Each book helped get me through the good days and bad days of 2020 and I am excited to dive into a whole bunch of new stories this year! Here’s what I read in 2020: A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín Everything is Figure Outable by Marie Forleo Outlander by Diana Gabaldon Girl on Fire by Cara Alwill Leyba White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo Train Happy by Tally Rye Untamed by Glennon Doyle Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s…

  • Life

    2020 Reflections

    What can I say about the year that is 2020? Like many, I STRUGGLED this year. My mental health took a major hit at several different points and I found it difficult to deal with stressors coming at me from several directions. Stressors that normally give me a hard time but felt like they were amplified because of the circumstances of this year. Accepting that it was okay to not be okay is something I found most difficult this year. I couldn’t go onto social media without seeing all the bread baking, exercising, etc that people were doing and not feel like there was something wrong with me because my…

  • Life,  Seasonal,  Thanksgiving

    What I am Thankful for This Year

    What a year this has been for all of us! Whenever I am having a rough time I like to practice a little bit of gratitude and what better time of year to do that than this?! Here are a few things I am thankful for this year! Therapy/My Therapist I have said it before and I will say it again, therapy is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I will be forever grateful to my therapist for being able to seamlessly switch our meetings from in-person to video calls at the beginning of the pandemic. Having my regular meetings has helped keep me grounded…