Personal Development
2022 Word of the Year
I feel like I have tried every type of goal-setting strategy that is available. None of them have seemed to keep my attention for very long and as a recovering perfectionist, it’s hard to get past the “failure” at the end of another year. In 2021 I didn’t even set goals just promised to show up for myself but that turned out to be the easiest promise to break of them all. I am not deterred though and am approaching things a little differently this year. I started seeing mentions on Instagram and Youtube of people who pick a word for their year. I read a few articles about it…
How I Am Going To Show Up For Myself This Year
Last year around this time I wrote about why you don’t need a new you. It is still so relevant to my life, choosing to accept myself as I am is a decision that I need to make every single day and there are still a lot of days that my anxiety and inner negative nelly win. This year I wanted to share how I am planning on showing up for and prioritizing myself. By practicing these things I hope that my confidence will grow, that my inner demons will be silenced, and most of all that the decision to choose myself becomes easier and that those days become greater…
Three Mindsets That I Struggle With
Personal development has been a journey for me. There is so much to explore and it’s nice to be able to focus on certain areas at different points of your life as you feel they are needed. I have come a long way in the last few years but there is always something new to learn about myself or ways to improve certain aspects of my mindset on certain topics. I think it’s great to share when I am feeling motivated and inspired by my personal development, we should celebrate wins of all sizes but I think it’s equally important to share the hard parts. Sharing the parts that you…
Why You Don’t Need A New You This Year
We’ve all seen the slogan “New Year, New You” all over the internet. The sentiment sounds nice, encouraging you to overhaul your entire life overnight in order to be a success in the new year. This is your new fresh start and changing yourself is the only way. But, what was wrong with the you on December 31st? Yeah okay so maybe you overindulged on the sweets these last few weeks or had more than one holiday dinner where you ate to the point of needing to wear stretchy pants to feel comfortable or breathe. Maybe you haven’t eaten “healthy” since Thanksgiving or beyond that. Maybe you had a few…
Body Positivity And Wedding Dress Shopping
A few months ago, I made an appointment for wedding dress shopping at a boutique in Seattle called I Do Bridal. For full disclosure, before we got engaged, I never dreamed about what my wedding would be like let alone what kind of wedding dress I would want to wear. So that I didn’t show up without a plan in mind I went to Pinterest and created a private board and began searching for my perfect wedding dress. Turns out I had a very specific silhouette in mind. I had paid for a premium appointment which meant we got a special seating area to try on dresses and the money…
Little Things To Do For Yourself Everyday
One of my areas of focus this year is self care. Self care is something that I constantly put on the back burner in my own life but in my quest to feel good about myself and be comfortable in my body, developing a self care practice is key. Making small changes can be so beneficial to your mental health and how you view your place in this crazy world. Small changes can make a big difference in your everyday life. Being able to recognize the little things that make you feel fabulous and then trying to implement them in a daily routine can really help motivate you and change…
31 Days Of Self Love
Sometimes it takes a little nudging to get you to think about your good qualities. It’s so easy for us to focus on our “flaws” and forget to cut ourselves some slack once in a while. I found this image on somewhere on Facebook and loved the idea so much. I have been using each day as a sort of journal entry and it has truly been helping with my feelings of self doubt. The great thing about these prompts is that they can be used over and over again! Maybe you’re having a particularly bad week, use some of these prompts to try and turn your mindset around. When…