• Life

    Finding Your Why

    Have you ever thought about why you want to lose weight? Is it because you are bombarded by images on the covers or magazines telling you that if you’re not thin you can’t be happy or healthy? Is it because you want to look good in a bikini come summer? Maybe you have some health conditions and your doctor is requiring you to lose weight.  When I was younger I think if I had been asked that question I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer it. If I did it would probably be something along the lines of wanting to be skinny. I never got that skinny body I…

  • Food

    Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding

    I’m going to be cliche here and say that pumpkin spice is one of my favorite fall flavors. While deciding what I was going to have for breakfast this week I knew I wanted to include pumpkin spice in somehow. Cue this yummy chia pudding recipe! I know the texture of chia seeds may turn some people off but trust me…the flavor will make you forget about the texture. Mixing the pecans in also gives a nice crunch which helps as well. Make it the night before and enjoy the fall flavor the next day for breakfast! Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding 1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree 1 cup Milk (I used…

  • Life,  Personal Development,  Self Care

    31 Days Of Self Love

    Sometimes it takes a little nudging to get you to think about your good qualities. It’s so easy for us to focus on our “flaws” and forget to cut ourselves some slack once in a while. I found this image on somewhere on Facebook and loved the idea so much. I have been using each day as a sort of journal entry and it has truly been helping with my feelings of self doubt. The great thing about these prompts is that they can be used over and over again! Maybe you’re having a particularly bad week, use some of these prompts to try and turn your mindset around. When…

  • Fitness,  Life

    Getting Back On Track After Vacation

    After a much needed break from real life it feels really great to be back and creating new content for my little corner of the internet! Our 3 1/2 week European vacation and the sweetest and most romantic marriage proposal ๐Ÿ™‚ was just what I needed to recharge my batteries and get excited and motivated to make positive changes in my life. Before we left for vacation I was not eating as well as I would have liked and I had not worked out consistently for quite some time. I was not feeling good about myself which didn’t help in the motivation department. Of course while on vacation I didn’t…

  • Food

    5 Lessons From An Honest Food Diary

    Sometimes we can be in denial about the food choices we make and even how much food we consume on a given day. I kept a food diary for a few weeks and some glaring bad habits stood out. I have never been one to count calories or keep a detailed account of every single thing I am putting in my body but keeping this diary has really opened my eyes to what exactly I have been putting into my body and just how much too! The truth is sometimes hard to swallow (pun intended!) but it’s absolutely necessary to help you see where you may be falling short. Here…

  • Life,  Travel

    My Paris Bucket List

    Since I was young Paris has always been a place I have wanted to visit. It could be the history or the beautiful sites and I have a hunch that it could be that I watched Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s movie Passport to Paris on repeat for about 3 weeks when I was 12. Since becoming an adult my tastes really haven’t evolved much. I love movies that take place in the city of lights, books whose setting takes place there, and I find joy in any music that has an accordion playing in it. I am beyond excited that I get to visit Paris at the end of September…

  • Life

    Blogs That Keep Me Inspired

    When I am feeling uninspired there are certain blogs that I gravitate towards to help get me out of a creative rut. I love scrolling back and reading their older posts or posts that I have read and reread tons of times. It feels like a breath of fresh air read the content these ladies write and I hope you love them as much as I do! The Anna Edit Carly Rowena In The Frow Half Baked Harvest Poppy Deyes How Sweet It Is Niomi Smart Estee Lalonde

  • Life

    Things To Remind Yourself Everyday

    Sometimes life can get hectic and it’s easy to get stuck in a routine of self doubt, negativity, and feelings of inadequacy. Questions like “What am I doing with my life?” or “Am I good enough?” seem to only add to the anxiety because in those types of moods the only answers are negative ones. I have personally experienced ruts like this and sometimes I have let them linger for longer than I care to admit. But let me be the one to answer those questions above for you; Yes, you most certainly are enough and figuring out what to do with your life can take a lifetime so give…

  • Food

    Huckleberry Chia Seed Jam

    Almost every year as a kid we would go up to the mountains with my dad and spend the day picking huckleberries. Last year Jake and I went up with him and brought back a big bucket full of these sweet mountain berries. I have been trying to figure out how to use up and aside from using it on top of my yogurt and the yummy huckleberry sauce on top of my protein pancakes. I think though I have found the perfect way to use them and it is with this chia seed jam recipe. The great thing about this jam is that it isn’t full of the sugar and…

  • Books,  Life

    Summer Reading List

    One of my favorite ways to relax this time of year is to grab a great book and a glass of great wine and sit out on my back patio and read. Reading has always been something I really enjoy and buying books has also been an enjoyable activity since the time I started making my own money in high school. It’s difficult for me to walk into a book store and walk out with nothing. I recently discovered the delights of the thrift store “library” for dirt cheap deals on hundreds of titles and I may or may not have gone a little crazy a few months ago…a little.…