• Blogtober,  Goal Setting,  Life

    October Goals

    October is one of my favorite months of the year and to celebrate I am trying something fun and new here on Learning To Bloom! Welcome to Blogtober, where I will have a new post every day during the month of October! I’ve got so many fun posts planned for the month including fun outfit and decor ideas! I am excited to share my favorite time of the year with you through my posts about all of my favorite things! I’m starting the month off the way I always love to start each month by sharing 3 goals I have set for myself! These are simple and achievable goals to…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    September Goals

    The countdown to Fall is on and I couldn’t be more excited. I don’t know what it is about this time of year but it is the time that I feel the most energized and inspired to create content. It must be all the Pumpkin Spice Lattes… I just finished my first month as a full-time business owner and have decided to pivot what my business looks like. I signed up for a copywriting course and am so pumped for what is to come! I have also decided to try Blogtober this year and am having a lot of fun planning content for Spooky Season! Keep an eye on this…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for October

    It’s SPOOKY Season! It’s the beginning of my favorite time of the year! It’s the time of year when I feel the most inspired and I have so many fun things planned for the blog this month. I am looking forward to cooler weather, beautiful foliage, Jake’s birthday, and Halloween! 1. Wake up one hour earlier on weekdays I used to get up between 5 and 5:30 am and in the last few years, that time has crept up and sometimes I get up with just enough time to shower and leave for work. I long for slower mornings and I think waking up an hour earlier than I do…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for August

    I’ve done a few of these types of posts this year and for the most part, I have achieved what I set out to do in those posts. The reason I like setting goals for each month is that the time period is short and the goals I set can be part of the stepping stones towards achieving a bigger goal I have. This month I am focusing on self-care habits and creating a routine that works for me. I am feeling in a funk right now and am trying to shake it off. I am hoping the goals below will help me with that. 1. Workout 3 times per…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for April

    Hi there! I took another hiatus for personal reasons at the end of February and all of March but I am back for April with fresh new content and a new posting schedule! My new schedule will be every Monday and Friday and I hope, an increase in some Insta-content in between! Back in February, I set myself three attainable goals for the month. They were simple and I was able to achieve them by making small changes to my routine and I would consider the month a success! I enjoyed myself so much I decided to set 3 more goals for April! 1. JOURNAL AT LEAST 4 TIMES PER…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    3 Goals for February

    January always seems NEVERENDING. When February finally comes around, I feel like a whole year has passed already. That is a little dramatic, but it always feels like the longest month of the year and I just felt like setting some attainable goals for February would be just what I need to jump start the rest of this year! I decided not to set resolutions this year, but I like the idea of a few monthly goals to focus on. At this point in time, having some small goals to focus on will be helpful! 1. Pack lunch for work everyday Admittedly, I have been not the greatest at packing…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    Some Goals for the Rest of 2020

    It’s safe to say that 2020 has not turned out the way anyone imagined. It’s amazing how my motivation has ebbed and flowed throughout these months of lockdown but I decided last month that I really want to pull myself out of the fog and accomplish a few things throughout the rest of the year. Here are a few goals that I have for the rest of 2020, share one of your goals in the comments below so we can work towards them together! 1. Practice Daily Gratitude The women I follow who I find most inspiring rave about the mental health benefits of having a daily gratitude practice. I…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    Wellbeing Goals That Are Not Based on Your Appearance or Weight

    When we think of our wellbeing it is common for us to set goals that are centered around our aesthetics or the number on the scale. I put myself on my first diet at the age of 14 (read more of my journey here) because I was convinced the only way I could be happier or more attractive in high school was if I lost weight. Dieting was what I was “supposed” to do. The media is constantly telling us that we must shrink our bodies to fit in and social media has inundated us with images of women we think we need to look like in order to be…

  • Goal Setting,  Life

    Goal A Month: January

    I shared a little bit in a previous post about how I am approaching goals for 2019. The plan is to create healthy habits that build up to help me reach the larger goals I have for myself. To do this, I have created a plan for each month and each habit I hope to develop. I’ve also made it a point to tap into my “why power” to really get to the heart of why I want to develop this habit. By doing this I have built in motivation! For January, I really wanted to focus on becoming an early riser. A few years ago, I got up early…