10 Ways to Romanticize Your Life This Winter
Do you have a hard time in the Winter with your mental health? Try these 10 easy ways to romanticize your life this Winter to help get you out of a rut!
15 Journal Prompts for Fall
Want to start journaling but don't know what to write about? Try one of these journal prompts to help you focus and get started!
My Morning Routine: Creating Intention
In order to combat my anxiety, I created a morning routine full of mindful habits! Check out my routine for some inspiration on intentional living!
How to Start Your Journal Practice this Fall
Since I was young, I have had a journal to write my deepest inner thoughts in. I used to fill my journals with my day-to-day life and who the cutest boy in school was, what was going on with my friend group, and the occasional gripe about something going on in my family. I used to pretend I was Harriett the Spy and people watch making note of their diverse personality traits or what was possibly going on in their life at that moment. There were entries about heartbreak when a crush didn’t work out or when I was having problems with a friend. I have an entry that I…
5 Simple Ways I am Putting Myself First to Kickoff 2022
When I decided to make 2022 the year of getting to know myself again and putting myself first, I thought of small things I could do to start the year on the right foot. Things that will bring me joy and make me feel like a goddess. Identifying ways to raise your vibration that you can apply to your life today will help get the ball rolling to a more confident and self-assured future for yourself! 1. Purchase new bras I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I rotate between three bras and have had said bras for over 2 years now. They are stretched out, the fabric is…
2022 Word of the Year
I feel like I have tried every type of goal-setting strategy that is available. None of them have seemed to keep my attention for very long and as a recovering perfectionist, it’s hard to get past the “failure” at the end of another year. In 2021 I didn’t even set goals just promised to show up for myself but that turned out to be the easiest promise to break of them all. I am not deterred though and am approaching things a little differently this year. I started seeing mentions on Instagram and Youtube of people who pick a word for their year. I read a few articles about it…
3 Goals for August
I’ve done a few of these types of posts this year and for the most part, I have achieved what I set out to do in those posts. The reason I like setting goals for each month is that the time period is short and the goals I set can be part of the stepping stones towards achieving a bigger goal I have. This month I am focusing on self-care habits and creating a routine that works for me. I am feeling in a funk right now and am trying to shake it off. I am hoping the goals below will help me with that. 1. Workout 3 times per…
How I Am Going To Show Up For Myself This Year
Last year around this time I wrote about why you don’t need a new you. It is still so relevant to my life, choosing to accept myself as I am is a decision that I need to make every single day and there are still a lot of days that my anxiety and inner negative nelly win. This year I wanted to share how I am planning on showing up for and prioritizing myself. By practicing these things I hope that my confidence will grow, that my inner demons will be silenced, and most of all that the decision to choose myself becomes easier and that those days become greater…
Three Mindsets That I Struggle With
Personal development has been a journey for me. There is so much to explore and it’s nice to be able to focus on certain areas at different points of your life as you feel they are needed. I have come a long way in the last few years but there is always something new to learn about myself or ways to improve certain aspects of my mindset on certain topics. I think it’s great to share when I am feeling motivated and inspired by my personal development, we should celebrate wins of all sizes but I think it’s equally important to share the hard parts. Sharing the parts that you…
Is it Possible You’re Getting Too Much Self-Help Advice?
For quite a while now, I have been on my own personal development journey. I have devoured books, articles, and podcasts on the areas of personal development that interest me. I have tried to curate my social media feeds to include as many inspiring people as I can. But there have been times when I have felt overwhelmed, not knowing what I should do first and that’s usually when my motivation tanks. How is it possible to feel like this when I have curated my feeds to give me all thing inspirational content? Is it really possible to get too much self-help and personal development advice? My short answer is…